Organising Committee of ICDI2016
Chairman HOD T&L Dept. Head of MUST Graduate School (MGS) MUST
Associate Professor Department of Management School of Business & Economics University of Management & Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Senior Lecturer and Head of Systems Engineering and Management Department(SEM), School of Science and Engineering, MUST
Senior Lecturer and Head of Construction Engineering Management (CEM), School of Science and Engineering, MUST
Chartered Accountant Certified Commercial Industrial Accountants (CCIA) Council Member of ICIA Director of MUST Professional Development Center
Acting HOD of Energy and Environment School of Science and Engineering, MUST
Faculty member of School of Business, MUST
Faculty member of School of Science and Engineering (IT) MUST
Faculty member of School of Science and Engineering (T&L) MUST
Executive, Administrative MUST Graduate School
President of MUST Student Council