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Disruptive innovation describes a process by which a product or service completely alter the market with a new technology, eventually getting all the players in the industry either to adopt this technology or to disappear.


The theory of disruptive innovation was invented by Clayton Christensen, of Harvard Business School, in his book “The Innovator’s Dilemma”.


A disruptive innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market leaders and alliances.

– Clayton M. Christensen (1995)


Christensen used the term to describe innovations that create new markets by creating new categories of customers. They do this partly by harnessing new technologies but also by developing new business models and exploiting old technologies in new ways. By contrast, sustaining innovation simply improves existing products.




  • The objective of this conference is to be the main academic reference on Disruptive innovation research in South East Asia.

  • Our objective is to bring together the most influential researchers and experts in the region during 2 days in order to discuss and exchange through workshops and conference on the latest challenges brought by disruptive innovation in various fields.

  • Researchers and academician will find here a place to present their latest papers and theories on the topic.

  • The first conference will emphasize on disruptive innovations.

  • We will give also professional and industry leaders the opportunity to get another vision of their market and the future of their business.

Keynote Speakers
All Papers of ICDI2016 will be Published in following Journals


1. International Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM)

2. Journal of Management and Research (JMR)

3. International Research Journal

4. Journal of Advanced & Applied Sciences (JAAS)

5. Iranica journals of Energy and Environment (IJEE)

Kindly submit research papers and case studies on topics relating to the conference themes and sub-themes (or tracks). Paper submissions are categorized into various topics and sub-topics. Each paper shall be submitted only for one theme.


Conference cluster


  • Corporate Governance, Accounting, and Finance

  • Biosciences and Environmental Studies

  • Industrial Engineering and Construction Management

  • Transportation and Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  • Management and E-Commerce

  • Information Technology and Telecommunication​

Conference Partners
Conference Location
ICDI2016 Connect

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Copy Right 2016 by Dr. Khashayar Yazdani

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